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“Gloria Thalasso & Hotels – Sustainable Hotels”

Gloria Thalasso & Hotels

“Gloria Thalasso & Hotels – Sustainable Hotels” - Gloria Thalasso & Hotels

At Gloria Thalasso & Hotels, we are aware of the importance of preserving our environment. That’s why we’ve created the “We care” philosophy, through which we convey our commitment to the use of sustainable practices and new, more eco-friendly and efficient technologies.

Furthermore, we have voluntarily undertaken a commitment to continuous improvement, verified through independent audits. We have implemented Environmental (ISO 14001) and Energy (ISO 50001) management systems in our establishments, which are also included in the EMAS register (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). Our environmental information is available on our website.

As part of the strategic goal ECO GLORIA 20/20, we have initiated an investment plan in energy efficiency that includes various lines of action. This involves implementing control systems and data acquisition for air conditioning and hot water production facilities, installing water-saving and automatic lighting systems, and introducing renewable energies such as Solar Thermal, Photovoltaic, Aerothermal, or Biomass Boilers. With these measures, we generate more than 25% of the energy we consume on-site, thereby reducing the impact of our activity.

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